
Friday, May 13, 2011

The Ultimate How-To-Break-Up-Couples Guide!

How To Break Up Couples In 3 Simple Steps (Jack Style!)

Step 1: Meet a desperate teenager trying to become an actress while being confused about the man back home. Pop her cherry. Make her forget about said man. Have sex with her like every day is judgement day. Be with her for six years as her animated vibrator. Make her fall in love with you. Realize said woman doesn't know who she wants. Engage in fun flirtation as the girl actively pursues the other guy. Make her jealous every time, all the time. Even when she thinks she wants to be with the other guy, grab her and slam her against a wall and remind her who gave her first orgasm by example. And while she's making up her mind...

Step 2: Decide that the completely asexual girlfriend of the man who is between you and your fuck buddy becoming an actual couple is an object of your interest. Take her out on a series of dates so she can start growing feelings for you. Make up a special nickname for her. Afterwards, try to make a pass at her. When she shoots you down because, DUH- she has a boyfriend, make a fuss and swear you will never speak to her again. The mind fuck will be so big that she will go to you in the middle of the night and realize she likes you real bad. Get her dumped. Move in with her. Once you've stolen her, decide she's actually still too green to be in a 'grown up' relationship with you. Move unto the best friend.

Step 3: Bond with a gorgeous blonde woman who is the best friend of the asexual being and is engaged to her hot tempered brother. Come to the conclusion that you two have sucky privileged lives and that you love her legs. Get a really inappropriate crush. Desire her legs wrapped around you. Go to Las Vegas with her and get married because you just like pleasing sad women who haven't gotten married. Get an annulment. Get beat up by the fiancee. Don't learn your lesson. Attempt to get a threesome between asexual being and engaged best friend. Do everything in your power so that wedding doesn't happen and she ends up in your bed.