
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jacqueline Responds to Anthony & Renders Jack Obsolete!

It just got good!

Jacqueline Reinard seems to be taking decisive steps (a first for her we are sure!) towards a real future with Anthony Delton!

A source close to the pair said that the two were seen speaking candidly about their lives and their future, a perfect opportunity for Jacqueline to say what everyone was waiting for: “Anthony, I need you!”

Best part?

When Anthony inquired about her supposedly current squeeze, Jack Lexington, she told him “Jack is not a sure thing”.


After six years of you chasing her like a dog, you ain’t a sure thing?!


Word of advice for Jack: get the hell out of there, or at least go with the one speshul snowflake that cheated on the descendent of Norse Gods for you. One of those girls seems to know what they’re doing!