Step 1: Remember the ex that broke your heart? Decide you still want her in your life, turn the tables, and make her pursue you like a puppy dog. Move in with her. Kiss her sweetly and blush so she thinks you're sensitive instead of the sleezeball you actually are. After some wit-less banter, decide your dick needs some action and slam her against a wall where you will proceed to tongue-fuck her. Realize that your tongue down her throat is not enough and rub yourself against her so hard your clothes will spontaneously combust for at least five entire minutes. Don't let her come. Leave her panting and wanting more.
Bonus Step: Get interrupted by a call from your fuck buddy on your cellphone. That makes her remember that you're still prime meat.
Step 2: With your super penile powers, make a delusional sociopath fall head over heels for you. Thanks to your talents, she will start giving a fuck about her appearance and explore her much hotter side. Go to where she works and kiss her in front of the staff she spends so much time trying to intimidate with her mean stare and pretty much render her a blushing mass of a strawberry. Tell her you'll see her tonight for possible cherry popping.
Bonus Step:Take a cute picture of her with your cellphone and assume no one will see it so you can enjoy it in private... until someone hacks your phone and sends to your favorite gossip source!
Step 3: Between the dry humping in the morning and the cherry popping at night, schedule a lunch and an afternoon fuck with your favorite fuck buddy who just happens to be completely in love with you. Prove you're happy to see her as to not shatter her hopes for the 15th time and kiss her on the street in front of the institute where the desperate actress and sociopath are currently held.
And that's how you do it, boys and girls!
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