
Thursday, May 5, 2011

AJ Is A Mind & Virgin Fucker!

Anthony "Mind Fucker" Delton is a serious candidate for this year’s most popular mental disorder, bipolarity.

Said hot blonde has been spotted making various visits to a certain lab where our favorite late 20’s virgin, Elizabeth "I don't know what or where a clitoris is" Stokes, works.

Sources say the visits were completely PG but we know better! Mr. I-don’t-know-how-to-flirt-but-have-15-women-under-my-belt is well known for his stealth approach to women. However, when asked, he says he wants nothing but to help Elizabeth. And he’s quite insistent on making us understand the HE WANTS NOTHING.

This is the same man that has told Claudia "Forever Alone" Weiss he only sees her as a friend and then changes his tune long enough to fuck her.

If he really wants NOTHING, how come that doesn’t explain why he was seen this very night going into the institute looking like a GQ model? Is this the beginning of a new romance and/or a catastrophic train wreck we can't peel our eyes off?

We bet he really does wants to help. Help her cash her V card that is!

Be careful, Elizabeth! We heard he carries a H-U-G-E package!