
Monday, July 8, 2013

Keeping Up With Carlotta Milazzo!

Divorcées take note! This is how it's really done!

An Aston Martin, a trip to Paris and three engagement rings, Carlotta Milazzo isn't slowing down for one bit.

After realizing that he won't be getting any from her anytime soon unless he ponies up, Max Delton aka The Puppy gave her the Aston Martin roughly two weeks ago. Sleek, stylish and this year's brand new model, we hear that Charlie was breathless with excitement with dollar signs in her eyes.

Max had originally proposed shortly after his divorce to our favorite sexcretary (ouch!) but did not pick out a ring because he wanted her to pick it out.

Awww! Got a few millions to spare do you now, Pup?

Not one to be one upped by a mere mongrel, Lyle McGregor aka The Scotsman decided he was in it to win it and decided to whisk Carlotta away to Paris! Not before he proposed with a stunning Harry Winston ring!

Not bad for a journalist!

The third ring came from Henri-Michel Thibault aka The Frenchie and we hear it is also a gaudy monstrosity!

But Frenchie, where are the rest of gifts? If you think Carlotta is satisfied with only a ring, you've got another thing coming.

As far as we know, she hasn't said yes to any of these fine suitors.

What can we say?

Carlotta is having her cake... and she's eating it too!