
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Steven Reinard Tries to get Ryan Delton Back... and FAILS!

Steven Reinard is showing his true colors!

After Ryan Delton returned from a flash trip to Russia, Steven pretended to be his usual driver and then took him to a secluded house in the outskirts of London to explain the book fiasco!

In case you have a sucky memory, you must remember that Uneven Steven dedicated all his literature to his 'one and only'... that was before burning them in a bitch fit. If we were Ryan we would be hurt too!

Not only that but after kissing him a la force he apparently re-confessed his love for Ryan!

You're hot then you're cold! You're yes then you're no!

We hear Ryan didn't take his bullshit sitting down and that an actual fist fight broke out between the two exes. Then some more forced making out, a breakdown (by Ryan) and an apparent small victory (by Steven).

The next morning, Ryan was on a plane back to Russia.


We're guessing he doesn't want to get back together Steve-o!

So no worries Daniella! Your future marriage is in no danger... yet!