
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Veronique Reinard and Nathaniel Percy PAArty in Miami!

While his best friend practically brother kissed a skank and liked it, Mr. Nathaniel Percy was seen partying up a storm with his ORP (Open Relationship Partner or whatever the fuck... we normal people call it fuck buddies) Veronique Reinard and frenemy Brigitte Larnault.

The source that sent this picture confirmed that they were pAArtying Friday night in Miami club B.E.D. until the wee hours of the morning. Veronique and Nathaniel were seen holding hands and talking into each other's ears all night long. Seems like Veronique's supposed alcohol problem is a group thing.

Yes, we also thought that Veronique was still with yummy manwhore Kyle Lexington but it seems it has gone to greener pastures. Either that or they are having a WONDERFULLY open relationship where they can fuck the world and still be a pretend couple.

We personally don't care!